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CCSD Teacher Wins Top Career Education Award

CCSD Teacher Wins Top Career Education Award

A Cherokee County School District teacher has earned a top statewide career education award!

Etowah High School aerospace science instructor U.S. Air Force Sgt. (Ret.) Ciarra Malto has been named the Georgia New Teacher of the Year for Junior ROTC programs by the Georgia Association for Career and Technical Educators.  

Only one teacher, who has shown outstanding success in her or his first three to five years in education, is honored for each career education program area each year.  She now advances, with the winners for all other career education program areas, to be considered for the overall New Teacher of the Year honor, which will be announced at the organization’s annual conference in June.

Joining Etowah HS in 2021, Sgt. Malto retired from her military career as the aircraft section chief for bomber maintenance at Edwards Air Force Base in California.  In addition to teaching classes, she is the head coach of the Etowah JROTC riflery team, currently ranked first in the Area 10 region, and oversees various other JROTC activities.  Sgt. Malto also co-hosts a summer leadership camp at Georgia Military College attended by JROTC students from programs across the southeast United States. 

The Cherokee County School Board and Superintendent of Schools Mary Elizabeth Davis will recognize her at an upcoming board meeting.